Why Diversity Should Still Be Seen As An Outcome Not A Value
Organisational commitments to diversity shouldn’t be seen as a benchmark or proxy for determining how good it is. There are many superficial ways to create diversity within the workplace, but when it is an outcome, the question becomes, how do we get there? This alone demands a change in approach.
The Polarisation of Capitalism and Societal Wellbeing
ESG, and an increased push for a just society aren’t passing fads. Businesses are a reflection of society, which means that now is the time that leaders will need to become more engaged with change and pivoting their outlook purely away from profit and incorporating it with purpose.
Why Gender Equity is an Efficiency Strategy
As the economic downturn puts companies under pressure, finding ways to become resourceful and meaningfully allocate budget becomes difficult and this is why now is the time to invest in gender equity strategies.
Why Quiet Quitting is an organisational problem
Quiet quitting isn’t your employees problem, it’s actually yours as the manager.