Our ESG Commitment

As the financial industry adopts ESG policies and processes as part of its business model, it is also our commitment to ensure that we also integrate ESG into our business model too.

The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals agreed in 2015, mean more to Benefactum than just pictures. From suppliers, partners and clients we ensure that Gender Equality and Racial Equity are at the top of our agenda. The SDGs apply not just to how we do business, but also to how we operate using ESG policies as our guide.

 We support the following goals specifically and they are reflected in our ESG commitment:

Our Commitment in Action



  • We are completely paper-free.

  • We work to reduce our carbon footprint, as much as possible.

  • We actively recycle and will be joining local initiatives for waste reduction.


  • We do full due diligence on our suppliers and partners to ensure that they are working towards gender equality in their business.

  • We work closely with Sororum CIC, a university to industry pipeline company, dedicated to increasing gender representation in the workplace.

  • We are a woman-owned company and will continue to ensure that we remain inclusive as we expand our business.


  • As we are expanding we continue to build inclusive processes and stress-test them to ensure that our governance remains as dynamic as the industry.

  • We have external advisors to vet our process and procedures.

  • We ensure that there are no pay gaps in our company thereby reducing income equalities.