5 Tips to Being a Male Ally In the Workplace
The impact that men can have as allies has thus far been relatively underrated. We tend to think about gender equality being an issue that's for women to benefit women. But, men are key, …
How Leadership can engage with their one Black colleague
It can feel comfortable to say because there is only one Black colleague, that it makes no sense to put too much effort in making changes, as It feels like you are giving preferential treatment to this one person.
Recognising the Symptoms of A Dissatisfied Employee & How to Turn Things Around
Some economists approach the Great Resignation mainly as a consequence of the global pandemic. Without minimizing the effects of a public health emergency on individuals’ decision to leave jobs …
Harnessing the Power of Money to Create Change
… the conversation around, how money can be used by the individual or a corporate to make change is not always explored, further than the fact that money gives us all options.
It's true what they say about Assumptions
Human Resources managers often cannot understand the basis of this sense of isolation because they themselves hold the same set of assumptions that exacerbates the divide.
Unpacking Gender Equality
Gender equality can seem like one big homogeneous bowl of intentions demonstrating that we care about women. In many cases, that is an apt description: companies do care about women, people within companies care, and there is a general understanding that when women win, everyone wins.
How to Effectively Address the Workplace Complaints of Black Women
An obvious starting point is that the specific individual a Black woman speaks to in HR will dictate, or at least strongly influence within the structure of the corporate policy, how the process unfolds.
The Onboarding Process - An Inclusion Blind Spot
In many ways, the interview is very predatory. Candidates offer themselves up as victims to the process, to prove their worth and show that they do indeed belong within an institution.